Outdoor Female Bronze Lady Water Fountain for Garden BOK1-506

Outdoor Female Bronze Lady Water Fountain for Garden BOK1-506

This lady water fountain shows us the voluptuous figure of a woman. She puts the jug on her shoulder, and the water pours down from it. This female fountain for garden clearly shows the lines of a woman’s arms and the curves of her body, making one feel the beauty of female power. The green skirt echoes with the garden, as if she is the flower girl who works hard to water your garden.

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Using the Traditional Lost Wax Technique

YouFine casts bronze water fountain using the traditional technique- the lost wax method. The completion of each bronze sculpture requires a 1:1 clay model, and the clay model is the most important basis for an outdoor bronze water fountain sculpture. YouFine has artists who have learned to cast bronze figure sculptures since childhood. They know how to present the enchanting form of women very well, so they could cast beautiful female bronze fountain for garden.

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YouFine Could Make the Color You Like

The woman’s clothes in the bronze water fountain have attractive colors. YouFine’s artists could only make this kind of retro green through professional techniques, and finally use the patina method to color the outdoor bronze water fountain. YouFine’s artists would continue to adjust the color according to your needs until you are satisfied, and they could even produce colors that couldn’t be produced by other factories. The most important thing is that the color on the bronze fountain would become more and more natural as time goes by, even if it encounters water every day, the color would not easily fall off.

YouFine Would Test the Water of the Fountain Before Shipping

YouFine has always been well received by customers for our high-quality bronze fountains. We have strict quality control for each piece of bronze water fountain. Before delivery, YouFine would conduct a trial installation of the bronze fountain to ensure that the water in the fountain could flow smoothly before delivery. Secondly, we would place the water pump in a suitable place without affecting the beauty of the fountain.

YouFine is a bronze fountain manufacturer with forty years of experience, so we could offer you the lowest price, if you are interested, please contact us through the contact information below.

lady water fountain, Female bronze water fountain, Female bronze fountain for garden, Outdoor bronze water fountain